A tabloid from NEW YORK states that a 31-year-old woman is
actually finding happiness with a poplar tree, after a series of failed
relationships with human men.
Not only that, according to reports, the woman is quoted in the
magazine claiming that sex with the tree is the best she’s ever had.
But the questions in everybody mouth is how possibly can it be?
Some known health specialist
said that such act is indeed a psychological disorder called dendrophilia – when asked further on what can encouraged such
sexual attraction to a tree.
Dr. Chloe Carmichael, a
clinical psychologist, also says: “It could be a form of exhibitionism, in
which a person will go to any length to enjoy the focus of others on his/her
sexuality, or a form of acting out, in which a person might even have a minor
break with reality to act out a fantasy that assuages a particular upset. In
this case, rather than feeling rejected or betrayed by men, she feels powerful by
rejecting men in favor of something else that cannot leave her or betray her as
she says men have done.”
Just follow the link below and watch the documentary and
comments ……..
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