Sunday, 1 November 2015


A fan of mine , said to me, that she is in love with the beauties of nature, that I should write something about it, I then elevated my head and looked to the road leading to the south and to the north and said to my very self, yes we are all part of this infinite process called nature, we are the real brothers of the moon and the stars, the sun and the mother earth, the mountains and the seas, the trees and the flowers, animals and the birds, insects and fishes ,we were all integral partners in this beauty contest of our nature.

One does not really have to go very far to find the beauties of nature. The things of nature are spread all around us. Wherever we go, we see the beauty of nature in their shape, their colors and form, all attracts our attention. The beauty of nature is found in small object as well as in panoramic scenes. The little things are beautiful, so as the big things like the lofty snow-capped mountain.

There are beauty in the quiet stream that winds its way softly among the fragrant bushes of an evergreen forest. There is beauty in the vast sandy beaches and blue water of the oceans. There is beauty in the sun, rising gloriously in the morning and then going down the horizon in the evening and fading twilight to the night, are all-beautiful.

A person who has artistic mind will always be inspired by the beautiful sense of nature.
The beauties of nature are endless, just like a garden with its flowers of so many colors and shades spreading their scent all around us, the same applies to the deserts, it grow and bloom under the scorching sun with its nature create beauty out of the barren sand.

The mountains present their own kind of natural beauty as well as the cloud that come down in the evening after the sun set. The trees turning a shade greener and the flowers becoming brighter after a drizzle are scenes that always live in one’s memory.

To me, Beauty seem to be hard to define, but easy to recognize. In nature beauty maybe discerned in all things and places, even in the most unexpected regions of the earth, there is beauty in the variety of everything; be it flowers, birds, animals and plants, many of which are vividly colorful in their own ways. There is beauty in mountain, valley and hill, and in the skies, even in rainfalls, beauty can be found in all the creations of God.

The beauty that we find in flower objects, which concealed its beautiful nature from human sight, suddenly reveal their secrets to us when we stumbles over them, the same touches often fascinates the hunter who scans the forests for a catch. The beauty of the multitudinous creatures that swarm in the seas also do the same to the fishermen who turns to the sea for their livelihood. Many of these creatures are found even on the shore.

 However, the oceans often conceal the beauty that lies below their surface, and for them is a quest to catch a glimpse of the beauty of the world below the sea even at the risk of losing their lives. Even the farmer and the traveler appreciate the beauty that is found in nature. The farmer finds beauty in the variety of the plants that he grow.

The traveler is impressed with the beauty of distant hills and mountains, and the beauty of meandering rivers in large valleys. He is also appreciative of the beauty of the night as he travels in the moonlight; he looks at the landscape and is lost in admiration of it, the same applies to man who finds a wife, is always hook by the beauty in the woman.

The beauty in nature are all appreciated by man, almost every one delights to see the rushing streams and the numerous birds and animals that may be found in every part of the earth, for these are part of the ornaments of nature. Even the tiniest of creatures has beauty of its’ own.

In search of the beauties of nature, men in all parts of the world are all traveling great distances and spending a great deal of money, their life savings in appreciation of the beauties of our nature . Men have also visited the islands that are spread throughout the world in search of the natural beauty. Many have seen visited the cold mountains and deserts, in the Artic as well as the hottest desert where few plants grow, in search of the beauty that may be found in these regions, despite the lack of vegetation and animal’s life.

The deserts are equally a beautiful place, the home of many beautiful plants, animals and birds, which find sufficient refuge .
Yet there are group of people who are most appreciative of natural beauty, they are the artist ,the poet, the essayist, men of vision, character and form, they find music and beauty in the movement of the clouds and winds, the flows of the streams and sound of ocean, the deep appreciation of the beauty they find around, impels them to give the utterance to nature in the most expressive language, which in itself often imperishable beauty.

Today I say to you all, let us celebrate the beauty of Nature - the heart of Mother Earth. Let us sing the pure and simple power of love and life, and celebrate its plants, animals, colors, movements and wonders. Let us enjoy the essence of things and experience the wondrous Universe that sings through our hearts. Let us become aware of the images of reality, nature has created for us all. Let us see what happens when our consciousness changes and we reach a state without any tension, a state of deep breathing, focused on the heart, full of peace and deep stillness.

We can evoke the power of nature through a direct relationship with all its aspects, by being one with everything. Let us develop respect and appreciation for all of the aspects of Nature for the healing that they are constantly giving us. Let us move beyond the simple satisfaction of personal needs and become something greater in order to create a reality in harmony with our spiritual aspirations. Let us go green and support our disabling eco-system, Let us take responsibility for our processes, raise our consciousness and find the love and the light in each situation.

What a marvelous feeling to be in harmonious relationship with All that Is - a feeling of right participation in the Universe.

Thanks for your considerations.........