Saturday, 21 November 2015


LADIES AND GENTLEMEN AND MY GOOD PEOPLE OF NIGERIA, After stumbling on the Cuban constitution and envisaging of its straightforwardness and sincerity in encapsulating all the humanitarian issues concerning all the whole segments of their societies ,its benevolent , compassionate expressions really over-wind me especially the chapter I, Article 9b, c , and chapter IV for family values and protections running from Article 35 to down Article 38, chapter V and chapter VI of which all explicit more on the power of the people by guaranteeing
- That every man or woman who is able to work, have the opportunity to have a job with to -contribute to the good of the society and to be satisfaction of individual needs;
-that no disabled person be left without adequate mean of subsistence
-that no sick person be left without medical care;
-that no child be left without medical care;
-that no child be left without schooling, food and clothing;
-that no young person be left without opportunity to study;
-that no one be left without access to studies, culture and sports;
C-works to achieve that no family be left without a comfortable place to live
Chapter IV
Article 35. The state protects the family, motherhood and matrimony.
The state recognizes the family as the main nucleus of society and attributes to it the important responsibilities and functions in the education and formation of the new generations.
ARTICLE 36. Marriage is the voluntarily established union between a man and a woman, who are legally fit to marry, in order to live together. It is based on full equality of rights and duties for the partners, who must see to the support of the home and the integral education of their children through a joint effort compatible with the social activities of both.
The law regulates the formalization, recognition and dissolution of marriage and the rights and obligations deriving from such acts.
ARTICLE 37. All children have the same rights, regardless of being born in or out of wedlock.
Any qualification concerning the nature of the filiation is abolished.
No statement shall be made either with to the difference in birth or the civil status of the parents in the registration of the children’s birth or in any other documents that mention parenthood.
The state guarantees, through adequate legal mean, the determination and recognition of paternity.
ARTICLE 38. The parents have the duty to provide nourishment for their children; to help them to defend their legitimate interests and in the realization of their just aspirations; and to contribute actively to their education and integral development as useful and well-prepared citizens for life in a socialist society.
It is the children’s duty, in turn, to respect and help their parents.
ARTICLE 39. The state orients, foments and promotes education, culture and science in all their manifestations.
Its educational and cultural policy is based on the following principles:
a) the state bases its educational and cultural policy on the progress made in science and technology, the ideology of Marx and Marti, and universal and Cuban progressive pedagogical tradition;
b) Education is a function of the state and is free of charge. It is based on the conclusions and contributions made by science and on the close relationship between study and life, work and production.
The state maintains a broad scholarship system for students and provides the workers with multiple opportunities to study to be able to attain the highest possible of knowledge and skills.
The law established the integration and structure of the national system of education and the extent of compulsory education and defines the minimum level of general education that every citizen should acquire;
c) The state promotes the patriotic and communist education of the new generations and the training of children, young people and adults for social life.
In order to make this principle a reality, general education and specialized scientific, technical or artistic education are combined with work, development research, physical education, sports, participation in political and social activities and military training;
d) There is freedom of artistic creation as long as its content is not contrary to the Revolution. There is freedom of artistic expression;
e) In order to raise the level of culture of the people, the state foments and develops artistic education, the vocation for creation and the cultivation and appreciation of art;
f) There is freedom of creation and research in science. The state encourages and facilitates research and gives priority to that which is aimed at solving the problems related to the interests of society and the well-being of the people;
g) The state makes it possible for the workers to engage in scientific work and to contribute to the development of science;
h) The state promotes, foments and develops all forms of physical education and sports as a means of education and of contribution to the integral development of citizens;
I) the state defends Cuban culture’s identity and sees to the conservation of the nation’s cultural heritage and artistic and historic wealth. The state protects national monuments and places known for their natural beauty or their artistic or historic values;
j) The state promotes the participation of the citizens, through the country’s social and mass organizations, in the development of its educational and cultural policy.
ARTICLE 40. The state and society give special protection to children and young people.
It is the duty of the family, the schools, the state agencies and the social and mass organizations to pay special attention to the integral development of children and young people.
ARTICLE 41. All citizens have equal rights and are subject to equal duties.
ARTICLE 42. Discrimination because of race, skin color, sex, national origin, religious beliefs and any other form of discrimination harmful to human dignity is forbidden and will be punished by law.
The institutions of the state educate everyone from the earliest possible age in the principle of equality among human beings.
ARTICLE 43. The state consecrates the right achieved by the Revolution that all citizens, regardless of race, skin color, sex, religious belief, national origin and any situation that may be harmful to human dignity:
- have access, in keeping with their merits and abilities, to all state, public administration, and production services positions and jobs;
- can reach any rank in the Revolutionary Armed Forces and in Security and internal order, in keeping with their merits and abilities;
- be given equal pay for equal work;
- have a right to education at all national educational institutions, ranging from elementary schools to the universities, which are the same for all;
- be given health care in all medical institutions;
- live in any sector, zone or area and stay in any hotel;
- be served at all restaurants and other public service establishments;
- use, without any separations, all means of transportation by sea, land and air;
- enjoy the same resorts, beaches, parks, social centers and other centers of culture, sports, recreation and rest.
ARTICLE 44. Women and men have the same rights in the economic, political, cultural and social fields, as well as in the family.
The state guarantees women the same opportunities and possibilities as men, in order to achieve woman’s full participation in the development of the country.
The state organizes such institutions as children’s day-care centers, semi-boarding schools and boarding schools, homes for the elderly and services to make it easier for the working family to carry out its responsibilities.
The state looks after women’s health as well as that of their offspring, giving working women paid maternity leave before and after giving birth and temporary work options compatible with their maternal activities.
The state strives to create all the conditions which help make real the principle of equality
I honestly and sincerely believes that this very kind of constitution can be practicable in our present day Nigeria, I know that some people will argue me that Cuba is a communist state thereby any social-socialist achievement they have attained is very impossible in our present society , I totally disagree and that is not the theme for my writing , that even in the impossible, I still sees i'm possible ,my call is for human altruism , self-sacrifice that will improve our society, a crony call for patriotism and good rational reasoning and judgement, that will project outwardly our nation wellbeing through a healthy dialogue via government of national unity that will finally faction out Nigerian peoples constitution that will take care all the whole segments of our society like the Cuban constitution , let us now call for a referendum that will discussed how our people can rightful be the owners of our political powers, let it be known that any community, no matter Where, in which any citizen is not allowed to have his voice in the Making of the laws he must obey, that community is a tyranny.
It is a matter of astonishment to me that the Nigerian leaders who are deliberately avoiding the call for open-dialogue that will be able to chat a new cause for a better Nigeria should now rethink their actions.
If they citizens vote can’t count and they are not allowed to vote for the person of their choice or allow govern themselves in peace then I fear for the tribulation that will follow such, there is no sound reason why we must not have a national dialogue that will allow us to fashion out better ways we can stay together in peace as one nation, if not then the American idea of democracy we are coping is obvious a failure on our side , upon this very ground am supporting the call for the government of national unity and regional- dialogue that will address our numerous problems as a people, from a refined view point, let the referendum start now , where my right to vote and be voted for, will count because I am a man and a citizen of Nigeria, and that right I should and willing to demonstrate............................................