Thursday, 26 November 2015


Second Republic President, Alhaji Shehu Shagari, has described immediate-past President, Dr Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, as a ‘rare breed’ whose actions strengthened democracy in Africa and made the conti­nent proud.

 Shagari’s observations were contained in a letter to Dr Jona­than dated November 20, 2015 bearing the caption: ‘Happy 58th Birthday’, personally signed by him.

Dear Dr Goodluck Ebele Jonathan,

With all sincerity of the heart, “Your birthday deserves to be celebrated both at home and abroad given to your selfless ser­vices to our beloved fatherland. Your spectacular commitment in the development of our cher­ished values of democracy in Ni­geria and Africa is legendary.

On the African political landscape, you are, indeed, a rare breed. Your name shall always be writ­ten in gold whenever the history of Nigeria is being dispassion­ately studied or analyzed.”

I watched with keen in­terest when a few days ago, my friend, the former US President, Mr Jimmy Carter, showered praises on Your Excellency, Your incredible achievements have done pride to both Nigeria and Africa.

President Good luck Jonathan you are  the symbol of democracy in Africa, You set an example that Af­rican leaders should follow’.

Mr. Jimmy Carter’s my noble friend with abiding love and faith in our country Nigeria, Africa and humanity in general is not in doubt. He was the first US President to visit our beloved nation. I had the privilege of visiting him in the White House when I was Presi­dent of our country.

 This equally credible testimo­ny from such a global political figure has done lasting honor on you, our nation and Africa as a whole, his remarks has endeared you to all and has also assured your de­served place in the annals of nations.

Your name shall al­ways be written in gold when­ever the history of Nigeria is being dispassionately studied or analyzed”, opined the former President.

 Please accept, Your Excellency, the assurances of my highest brotherly considerations, my prayers and my very best wishes at all times.”

Yours sincerely
Alhaji Shehu Shagari