Friday, 30 October 2015


It is very refreshing to know that in Nigeria, there are tens and hundreds of women who thinks, and have expressed their thoughts in many great ways, who are thoroughly free and thoroughly conscientious, who have neither been narrowed nor corrupted by the heartless creed of the politicians with downcast eyes for timid acquiescence for corrupt wealth. Women are no longer satisfied with being told that all their duties are all within the kitchen corners. Women who have achieved greatness, women who examine things for themselves and have ceased to be the prisoners of society, the satisfied serfs of husbands, they demanded and have also gotten the rights that naturally belong to all intelligent beings. If wives, they wish to be the equals of husbands. If mothers, they wish to rear their children in the atmosphere of love, liberty and philosophy, hard work with greater achievements, they are the women I adore and respect, women who believe that woman can discharge all their duties without the aid of a man, and preserve all that is true, pure, and tender, with greater sacrifice, I say and I quote Women are not intellectual inferior to men. They lacked not mind, but opportunities.

 In the old days of barbarism, the days of the evolution of the first man, physical strength and the cruelty were used by men as a badge of superiority over women, where muscle was over placed more than the mind; the loving nature of woman was then totally abused. Her conscience was rendered morbid, horrid and diseased. It might almost be said that she was betrayed by her own virtues of beauty. At best she secured, not opportunity, but flattery -- the preface to degradation. She was deprived of liberty, and without that, nothing is worth the having. She was taught to obey without question, and to believe without thought, without thinking or hopes for greater aspirations.

  But today stories are different , the age of holding women down has pass away ,a lot of women have emerge to become great ,if not greater through simple share of hard work ,dedications ,illuminations and social enlightenment ,these women are too numerous and they are makers of the modern Nigeria , women like Oluwafunmilayo Ransome-Kuti – a political activism once described as the doyen of female rights in Nigeria and also regarded as “The Mother of Africa.” early on she was so powerful to have force for the advocating of women's right to vote, the Obiageli Ezekwesili - Co-founder of TRANSPARENCY INTERNATIONAL a woman of undiluted originality, simplicity and focus, the madam-due-process ,Dora Akunyili -Director General of NAFDAC (National agency of Food and Drug Administration and Control)prize-fighter against fake drugs, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala- the Finance Minister and Foreign Minister of Nigeria notable for being the first woman to hold either of these positions, chimamanda Adichie - the young novelist with chinua Achebe style of writing ,Margaret Ekpo- the foremost Nigerian women's rights activist and social mobilizer who pioneered female politicians in the country's First Republic ,Queen Amina of Zaria - A fierce warrior who loved fighting, She refused to marry like Queen Elizabeth the First of England, for the fear of losing power, She made Zazzau (Zaria) become the center of trade and gained more lands for zaria and also the introduction of kola nuts into cultivation in the area is also attributed to her , Flora Nwapa -a writer and the mother of modern African literature, first internationally published female African author (1966) builder and planner of the modern city of oguta her own home town , NWAYIRIUWA-the leader of the 1929 Aba women unrest and revolution, May Ellen Ezekiel [ MEE ]- is one of the greatest women in Nigerian history, She was Richard Mofe Damijo's ex-wife and she is dead and the publisher of the highly respected Classique Magazine [ No celebrity Magazine has ever matched the quality of Classique Magazine ] and she was also a solid novelist, She remains the most accomplished Female Journalist and Publisher in Nigeria ,MARY ONYALI - Queen of the tracks, HAJIA GAMBO SAWABA - woman politician who suffered torture and abuse for democracy and human rights - EFUNSATAN ANUWURA – Iyalode of Ibadan, KUDIRAT ABIOLA – Fighter for democracy in Nigeria, who challenged the brutal Abacha´s Regime and paid with the ultimate prize of death , DR. MRS BOLANLE AWE - foremost and internationally professor of sociology and head Institute of African Studies- Under her nose, the institute was one of the best globally. SUSAN WENGER - Nationalised high priest of the Osun shrine, the great mama and the preserver of culture whom brought osun shrine into a UNESCO World Heritage sites, CHINYERE ONYENUCHEYA, Falilat Ogunkoya- former sports caster on NTA back in the days, CHRIS ANYAWU – writer, publisher, human rights activist, politician and a senator, MADAM TINUBU - slave trade abolitionist, GRACE ALELE WILLIAMS - VC Uniben, the first Ph.D. Holders in Nigeria, , ONYEKA ONWENU - musician with angelic voice, CHIOMA AJUNWA – a great athletic -,BIMBO ODUKOYA- was a great pastor with passions, Agbani Darego the first African miss World, MODUPE OSIKOYA- first woman medallist in international athletics events and my own dear maternal grandmother, the late Mrs NWAKU NWAOYEOCHA- IFEME OKONKWO of Enugu-Agidi who personally and selflessly laboured to train all her children, even sending some abroad on scholarship with little or no means, all for her strong believes for quality education and great many other. some women without doubt have written their names in the Nigerian chronicles and worth celebrating.

 This piece of writing is devoted to all women out there whom wants to make some great difference and also to my one time old friend, whom I have sometime ago sensed the women`s libber in her, she is a dyed-in-the-wool, acclaimed Christian fanatic, to her I say; I will meet you again at the walkway of prominence.

Drug Addiction and treatments

Being a paper presented by Aguiyi Henry, at the monthly lecture with the NYSC- CDS Drug Free Club Kaltungo.

Good morning ladies and gentlemen, my brothers and sisters, the theme of my topic today is:
Drug Addiction and treatments.

Considering drug counseling as one of the best intervention technique to control drug addiction problems within our immediate environ.

Drug Addiction and treatments
Before driving further into our gradual procession on how drug treatments works in this very homily, I pray you permits me to imbue in, this very quote to stir up our discussions –

It says and I quote;- the cock crows only when he sees the light ,put him in the dark it will never crow ,today I have seen the light and am crowing ………………….

By Mohammed Ali,
The Heavy weight boxer

Hopefully with our discourse today ,I believe that we will all see more lights on how drug treatment and counseling works and at the end may turn up to be better drug counselors ourselves ,in our own very little ways.

We have already said so many things on drugs abuse and addictions in this very forum before, with all their copious problems, they causes our society. However, to me I think, is the right time we should start regarding drug addictions as a serious health problem and to see how best drug counseling can serve as part of the solution approach to all addiction problems.

Some explanations have been presents by several schools of thoughts, to explain addiction in general terms. The moral explanation states that addictions are as the result of human weakness, and are defects of character.
 The disease explanation holds that addiction is an illness, and that it comes about because of the impairment of healthy chemical or behavioral processes.
The genetic approach states that there is a genetic pre-disposition to certain behaviors.
The cultural approach recognizes that the influence of culture is a strong determinant of whether or not individuals fall prey to certain addictions.
The blended model attempts to consider elements of all other models in developing a therapeutic approach to addiction and dependency. It holds that the mechanism of dependency is different for different individuals, and that each case must be considered on its own merits.
While not everyone agrees on what constitutes an addiction, in general, it is recognized that an addiction can be of any substance (for example alcohol, amphetamines, Drug Alcohol Abuse, cocaine, nicotine, opioids, sedatives, hallucinogens, inhalants, cannabis, phencyclidine, caffeine, and a wide variety of other substances), which, when ingested, cross the blood-brain barrier and alter the natural chemical behavior of the brain. It is also accepted that addiction includes dependency on “things” as well as substances, such things as gambling, eating etc.

In general, the term addiction, describes a chronic pattern of behavior that continues despite the adverse consequences that result from engaging in the behavior. Many substances and behaviors that provide either pleasure or relief from pain pose a risk of addiction or dependency.
Drug Addiction as we all know, is the constant longing for drugs.
Addiction means that the use of psychoactive drugs has changed the brain of the drug user, so that it begins to demand for drugs. The addicted brain needs drugs the way the healthy brain needs natural food and sleep. The use of addictive drugs upset the way the brain controls the senses, movements, thoughts, and emotions. People addicted to drugs depend on them to feel normal and avoid the painful symptoms of withdrawal. Drug addiction is a sickness and a serious health challenge. To recover from it, the addict first needs to admit that he or she does have a drug problem and then seek help from family, friends, doctors and counselors.

In the other hand, When these body and brain of an addict needs drug to avoid feeling sick. One way to differentiate the types of drug addiction is to consider two categories of dependence. First, is physical dependence, characterized by symptoms of withdrawal, and second is psychological dependence.
Physical dependency on a substance (Drug Alcohol Abuse) is defines by the appearance of characteristic withdrawal symptoms when the drug is suddenly discontinued. Thus, the state in which the body is adapted to the presence of a particular drug. When the administration of the drug is discontinued, intense physical disturbances like muscular pains, body itching, involuntary muscular action, nausea, etc. will manifested, depending on the drug type (Opiates, cocaine, barbiturates, hallucinogens, benzodiazepines, barbiturates, alcohol, nicotine, and a variety of more modern synthetic drugs are all well known for their ability to induce physical dependence and addiction).
While physical dependency can be a major factor in the psychology of addiction, the primary attribute of an addictive drug is its ability to induce a ‘high’ while causing harm to health of the individual.
The speed with which a given individual becomes addicted varies with the type of addiction, the frequency of addictive behavior, and the individual for example, some alcoholics reports that they exhibited alcoholic tendencies from the moment of their first intoxication from Drug Alcohol Abuse, while most people can drink socially without ever becoming addicted. Because of this variation, some people hypothesize that physical dependency and addiction are in large part genetically moderated. Nicotine and caffeine are two of the most addictive psychoactive substances.

Psychological dependence, on the other hand, is a condition in which a drug produces a feeling of satisfaction and a drive to keep using it continuously or periodically to get the desired pleasure and avoid discomfort. Briefly, a person dependent on drugs needs them to avoid the painful, symptoms of withdrawal.
Psychological addiction, as opposed to physiological addiction (Drug Alcohol Abuse), is a person’s need to use a drug or engage in a behavior out of desire for the effects it produces, rather than to relieve withdrawal symptoms. Instead of an actual physiological dependence on a drug, such as heroin, psychological addiction usually develops out of habits that relieve symptoms loneliness, anxiety, depression and feelings of worthlessness. As the drug and/or behavior is indulge, it becomes associated with the release of pleasure and avoidance of pain, and a cycle started that is similar to physiological addiction. This cycle is often very difficult to break. It is quite common for an addict to express the desire to stop the behavior, but find that they are unable to stop the addictive behavior.
Psychological addiction (Drug Alcohol Abuse) can theoretically form for any rewarding behavior or as a habitual means to avoid undesired activity. The most common of the psychological addictions include dependency on such things as gambling, eating, sex work, internet use and shopping and spending money. It is possible to be both psychologically and physically addicted at the same time.

 Alcohol addiction, the powerful craving for alcohol which often results in the compulsive consumption of alcohol, is one of the most widespread and costly addictions in our society.

The causes of its craving as popular beliefs are that it is:
1. Chemical or nutritional imbalance;
2. Genetic predisposition;
3. Neurological effect caused by runaway learning mechanisms; or
4. Inability to curb one’s own desires for enjoyment.
Psychological addiction of Alcohol Abuses is also involved in alcoholism since many alcoholics believe that they gain benefit from the use of the substance.

 They may believe that the alcohol improves their ability to socialize, helps them handle pressure, and allows them to feel superior to others in that they can handle extreme intoxication, or that drinking allows them to fit into their peer group. These effects all contribute to a person’s impression of the beneficial effects of alcohol in his/her life, and may result in a denial of the negative effects. It is important to recognize that many of these benefits can be real, not imagined. The person must be convinced of the net negative value of alcohol in their lives before any treatment can have meaningful lasting effects. An inability to stop drinking despite a clear understanding of alcohol’s negative balance of effects on his or her life is a primary indicator that a person suffers from alcoholism.

 So when a drug abusing individual got to this very stage of high addicts, we assumed that the very individual drug problems has gotten into the secondary or tertiary stages of interventions, what I mean is that :

A. Secondary Interventions stage
This stage treatment for drug dependent persons means that such individuals need to be confined in a treatment centre, where he or her will go through detoxification, counselling and, in most cases, drug therapy. Early intervention measures employed when a drug abuse problem begins to develop also falls under secondary preventions. Examples are counselling, and referral services offered by our Agency to clients brought in from various sources.

 B. Tertiary Interventions stage
Intervention at this stage has to do with rehabilitation and social re-integration of treated drug dependent persons. The main goal here is to provide support for clients in order to facilitate their rehabilitation and getting back into the mainstream of society, e.g., family, work, school, etc. Family members of clients have a major role to play in this regard.


 Treatment: This is an organized means of assisting drug dependent persons either in a hospital setting or outside the hospital with the aim of making the patient recover his or her normal status and state of health.
Professionals such as medical doctors, psychiatrists, nurses, psychologists, counselors, law enforcement agents and social workers, render this assistance; their aim is to stabilize the client under a well-planned treatment programs while Rehabilitation is the process of improving the residual functional capacity of the drug dependent addict person. Such that the individual can resume his or her expected role within the society.
 Due to the adverse effects of drug abuse on the dependent, rehabilitation assists the treated individual to recover those lost capacities caused by drug dependency.
 Rehabilitation aims at assisting the drug dependent individual reintegrate into the community as a productive person.

Detoxification in the other hand is a medical process by which the body of a drug dependent person is free from a substance of abuse, while treating any physical complications that develop from severe withdrawal symptoms. Detoxification may take a few days or weeks, depending on the drug of abuse, the severity of the problem, and the individual’s peculiar circumstances. During this period, patients usually stay in a specialized residential treatment facility or a separate unit within a general or psychiatric hospital. Detoxification, therefore, can be view as a process whereby the patient or client is stop from using of drug of his choice with either drug substitution or cold turkey.

While considering drug counseling as the best intervention and most affordable approach to drug problems, With the W.H.O. estimations that 23.5 million people may have suffered from substance abuse issues as back as 2009. Drug abuse counselors are a necessary part of the workforce Of the 23.5 million, but only 2.6 million receive treatment in specialized facilities according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA’s) National Survey on Drug Use and Health. Drug abuse counselors are an integral part of the substance abuse treatment industry.

 May work in places such as:
• Research facilities
• Educational centers
• Hospitals
• Mental health facilities
• Methadone clinics
• Private practice clinics
• Detention centers
• Drug rehabilitation centers
• Detox centers

Drug Abuse Counseling:
Means the helping relationship or a face- to- face interaction between the individual with drug problem (client or counselee) and a professional helper (counselor), who will assist the counselee overcome his or her drug problem. That is to say, that drug abuse counselors specialize in the treatment and recovery of substance abusers. They work with people suffering from dependencies on any type of drug ranging from cocaine to marijuana etc.

Why Counseling Is Important in Addiction Treatment
Opioid addiction is more than a physical dependence on drugs. Even after detox, when physical dependence is cure, addicts are at high risk for relapse. Psychological and social factors are often powerful stimuli for prescription drug abuse relapse:

• Stress, especially sudden life stresses
• Hints or clues from the environment, like visiting a neighborhood
• Social networks, like spending time with friends who continue to use drugs

 These factors can create ongoing, nearly irresistible urges to use drugs. Prescription drug counselor helped the addicts escape craving and learn to cope with life, without using drugs.
Several counseling therapies are available for prescription drug abuse; no method is known to be the best. Likewise, no one approach is appropriate for everyone with opiate addiction. The right drug abuse treatment plan; is tailored to a person's addiction and his or her individual needs.

Counseling Objectives
(i) To assist clients to realize their current situation and the factors that have made such problems persist.
(ii) To assist them to understand self, interests, and the abilities and capabilities they have in resolving their difficulties.
(iii) To teach them skills that are lacking and that will assist them in the process of adjustment and growth towards self-actualization.
In drug counseling, the client learns of his personal attributes that are assets to his development in any area of human undertaking.
What does a drug abuse counselor do in nutshell?
A drug abuse counselor works with the drug user in a therapy setting. His or her purpose is to find the root of the addiction and help patients progress into sobriety. Depending on the underlying cause of the addiction discovered, the counselor develops an individual treatment plan for each patient. To help their patients work past the addiction, counselors educate them about addiction and teach them how to move on through life without substance abuse. The main goal of a drug abuse counselor is to guide the drug abuser into moderations through counseling.

• Individual Counseling: This is a one-to-one relationship involving only the counselor and the client. The process is strictly confidential.
• Group Counseling: This involves two or more people with similar or different problems but are seeking help together, e.g., peer counseling. Group counseling enables members to appreciate their individual problems in relation to those of others and develop insight into new ways of seeing things once the veil of addiction is removed from their sub-conscious mind. It also offers the group opportunities to constructively criticize for attitudes and behaviors that are contrary to rehabilitation goals of the individual and group.
• Family/Parent Counseling: Because the family is at the center of the client’s upbringing, what affects a family member affects the family. Family Counseling helps the members understand and cope with the situation and enlist their support in achieving recovery goals of a drug dependent family member. By doing so, a tension is reduced and everybody becomes part of the rehabilitation process.

Qualities of a Good Counselor:

 A good Counselor must possess the following qualities.
(a) Is a good listener
(b) Is honest, genuine and sincere in dealing with drug abuse clients
(c) Allows clients the right to make their own choices and goals without imposition.
(d) Maintains a client’s confidentiality
(e) Has a good personality presentation
(f) Respects and accepts the feelings, emotion and experiences of clients.
(g) Ability to mediate and resolve conflicts among participants.
(h) Ability to be focused, to confront contradictions as well as to reward efforts and achievements.
(i) Must be trained in the art of counseling with good application of psychological skills in test instruments, administration and analyses.

Treatment for drug abuse is different for each patient and can include some combinations:
A. Motivational interviewing
B. Contingency management
C. Cognitive-behavioral therapy
D. Family therapy

 Motivational interviewing is a type of therapy that prepares individuals to change from the regular behavior and accept treatment for their addictions.
It is a much-focused activity and requires the drug patients to explore their own behavior and recognize where change is needed.
It is used to help the user realize that change needs to be made on his or her part to get better and live a sober lifestyle.
Contingency management is a type of positive reinforcement counseling that encourages the patient to abstain from drug use.
When a progress is achieved, the patient is reward for his or her efforts, and on the contrary, when he or she regresses, a punishment is incurred and the reward is withheld.

 Cognitive-behavioral therapy is a plan that leads patients to understand and avoid situations that are most likely to influence them to use drugs.
It also teaches coping skills to the patient. The process teaches the user to recognize negative thoughts, triggers and emotions and then have an acceptable response that excludes the use of drug. It is an extremely important therapy step for drug abusers.

 Family therapy is also called multi-dimensional family therapy. It is use to improve the functioning of a family as well as address influences that may be pressed on the patient from the family as well as address influences that may be pressed on the patient from the family unit.
This approach involves the family of the user in treatment by working with each member alone and the family together as a unit. Family therapy is essential for the treatment of youth users.

 How the drug abuse counseling do his or her work?
When the counselor first meets the drug addict, he or she will discuss with the client about his or her addiction as well as his past.
The counselor will attempt to get to know who he is and what may have caused the substance abuse. Through treatment, he or she will discover the most suitable way for the client to lead him or her into a more sober living lifestyle, with each meeting fine –tuning their plan of recovery.

 A drug abuse counselor will help you identify the client addiction-related behavior patterns and help him or her confront those behavioral and emotional issues that may be hindering his or her progress. Some sessions will be easier than others will, but each session comes more progress.
What does family need to do when a member is under-going counseling?
Another key role of drug abuse counselors is to work with the families of patients as the user moves through treatment. In addition to providing their loved one with individualized care, they educate the family on treatment, drug information and the progress of their loved one.

 Studies have shown that family bonding programs are particularly effective with patients, as they promote a healthy home life and offer preventative education to other members of the family unit.
 A family can better deal with the addiction and achieve ultimate sobriety if they are knowledgeable.

What else do the Drug counselors do?
Their job does not end when you loved one leave their office. Drug abuse counselors also help arrange additional mental health treatment and healthcare that may be needed. They may consult with psychiatrists and psychologists if they suspect an underlying mental condition and then refer you to their services for care in needed. Some may recommend impatient care at a substance abuse residential center if they believe it is best for the patient. Counselors are trained, to think beyond the counseling session and always make treatment decisions in the patient´s best interest.
Individual vs. Group Therapy
While any counseling therapy for drug abuse treatment is better than none, group therapy is generally preferred over individual therapy. In group therapy, a person is more likely to be both challenged and supported by peers who are also going through drug rehab. Twelve-step programs like Narcotics Anonymous are the most known group therapy organizations.
Individual therapy can be helpful in the case of a dual diagnosis: coexisting depression, bipolar disorder, or other significant mental health condition that requires treatment in its own right, separate from the opioid addiction.

Outpatient vs. Residential Treatment
Residential therapy allows the addicted person to temporarily escape, the environment that allowed him or her to use drugs. A person goes away to a specialized facility for a period of weeks to months. While highly effective in the short term, there is debate as to whether residential programs lead to longer abstinence from prescription drug abuse than outpatient programs. Residential drug abuse treatment program are very expensive, usually costing tens of thousands of dollars.

 Outpatient treatment programs are the usual setting for ongoing prescription drug abuse treatment.
Rehabilitation: The process of recovering those capacities and abilities, which have reduced or lost-out due to drug abuse. The aim is to enable treated drug dependent persons acquire necessary skills to make them self-reliant and live normal lives in the community. (See the topic on Treatment and Rehabilitation

Social Reintegration: This is the final stage of the rehabilitation process. It involves bringing the recovered drug dependent person into the main stream of societal activities, thereby removing the social stigma that society may have on such a person.

Relapse and Relapse Prevention: - Relapse is a situation whereby a recovering drug dependent person starts to use drug again after a period of abstinence, while relapse prevention is a process of ensuring that the recovering addict does not go back to the drug use habit.

The following factors can bring about relapse:
(I) Nature of the drug;
(ii) Improper treatment and rehabilitation process;
(iii) Inadequate treatment and rehabilitation facilities;
(IV) Lacks of family support
(v) Psychological make-up of the individual.

To prevent relapse, all these issues must be properly addressed. Briefly, all stakeholders should give adequate support and understanding to the recovering client.

After-Care: This refers to services that are available to clients in the later stages of recovery. It denotes measures to stabilize the client through various measures that may include drug education and recreational activities.

Follow-Up: Follow-up is a process of putting the client into checks to control the possibility of relapse. This usually involves monitoring the recovered patients and collecting information about them long after they graduate from rehabilitation programmer. This may take the form of home visits or asking the client to report to the counselor for observation.

Counseling Stages/Processes.
Usually six main stages are involved in the counseling process that has to start and end in an orderly manner.
1. Structuring
This is the first contact between the counselor and client. Here the framework for the interaction between the counselor and client is set. That is, both parties agree on TIME, DURATION and FREQUENCY of counseling sessions. The ROLES of both counselor and client is to carefully spell out and the bounds of CONFIDENTIALITY discussed as well as CLERKING/HISTORY TAKING done.

Format for History Taking
A - Bio-Data: Name, date, age, addresses, phone nos., religion, marital status and next of kin.
B - Educational qualifications, with dates.
C - Work History: Employed, unemployed, satisfaction on job, duties and responsibilities as well as relationship with boss and co-workers.
D - Medical History: Diseases suffered and previous hospitalization and treatment obtained.
E - Family History: Family type (monogamy, polygamy, single parent, etc.).
Name of parents, occupation and addresses.
Status (dead or alive)
Relationship between parents and client as well as between parents themselves, and between client and other siblings
Birth order in the family. Names and occupations of relatives.
F - Social History: Roles in the house
Family attitude towards client
Neighbour/Community attitude
G - Drug History: - Drug used, method of use, and reasons for abuse
- Duration of use.
- Motivational factors (feelings after use, factors encouraging use, attempts to stop, and difficulties encountered).
 - Relapse, when, why, and how?
H - Case Diagnosis - Determine the real problem of the client and any physical or psychological impairment observed.

   This involves assessment of the problem and the client’s needs. This is to identify:
A - Social and behavioral contingencies that leads to and promote client’s abusive behavior.
B - Alternatives within the clients’ behavior repertoire that can remove the antecedent contingencies.
Psychological test instruments can also be administered at this stage.
3. Treatment Goals
Definition and setting of counseling goals is done at this stage. Counseling goals are then defined and set because of painstaking assessment and history taking procedures. An action plan is then worked out between the counselor and client.
4. Intervention
In Intervention, the client with the active and empathic support of the counselor implements the action plan. This is usually accomplished through role modeling, bargaining, and reinforcement techniques and where necessary, tutoring as is the case with coping skills training.
5. Termination
Is the point at which the drug problem is fully or partially solves and the client takes leave of the counselor? It is important that the drug abuse client be assured that he/she is always welcomed in the future, where follow-up is not necessary.
6. Follow-Up
This is to ensure that the goal achieved during the counseling period is well maintained.

But for the unprofessional concerned individuals, who wants to help in achieving drug addiction consoling and treatment goals can apply— the six point therapeutic process in handling addicts through one on one connections, well-articulated cure program and painfully patient cares and understands through the following steps

 First Stage: -Addict must admit to himself that he is into drugs and for him to realize why he always-on drugs cause addicts takes to junk to escape something.
Second Stage: - Teach him or her, why he/her is using narcotics and other hard drugs and for him/ her to understand that he/she is spending too much on drug, which only enrich the drug barons more and more.
Third Stage: - let him know there are ways out to he can exploit to stop his or her addiction problems.
Fourth Stage: - Addictions shatters self-images and ego, build him up until he realized that he had within him a self-power to end his addictions by improving him mentally, to discover his self-pride.
Fifth Stage: - The addict should voluntarily undergo a cold turkey break with drug, which means enduring the physical agonies of abruptly quitting hard drugs.
Six Stage: - Always eliminates what so often defeats the average social addicts hostilities and suspicion by replacing his addicts bodes with something else, like exposing him/her to some other social situation among proud and clean people like churches, debating and sports clubs, who shows each other mutual affections and respect instead of the familiar hostility of the street life which will help him to feel the effects of self pride.

With all the above, profound techniques for drug treatments and counseling, I hope that we can now all comfortably step-out there, to confront the raising menace of drug addict problems within our homes and immediate environments.

 Finally, if we as individual can at least help e person out there to quite drug addiction, I bet you that individual will never forget you for standing with him during his time of need, redemption and final recue from special hell of drug addictions

Thank you for listening to our very message of hope……………………………..

Thursday, 29 October 2015


our immediate challenges

Being a paper presented by Aguiyi Henry, at the Anglican New Covenant Church Yolan-Guruza Gombe, Gombe State.

Good morning ladies and gentlemen, my brothers and sisters in the lord, thank you all for giving me this wonderful opportunity to be here with you all to share this very message of love and good family values ;. The theme of my topic today is:

  Developing family values for a drug free society
´´It is basic facts that children of today are our leaders of tomorrow and the very future of our society must surely depend on them´´.

Every family should have a set of rules that will guides their behavior, rules that will help them to make decisions and do what is right and avoid what is wrong, these rules are called values.

 A common trait of healthy families is the preponderance of shared values.
 Having shared values does not suggest that everyone in a family agrees on everything. It simply implies that family goals and values are clearly understood by all concerned.
Normally, healthy families hold on to values such as, loyalty, respect for elders and concern for others. These values are universally acceptable. They actually possess basic human ethics that make it possible for people to live harmoniously in mutual respect, peace, serenity and tranquility among their collective societies.

Many times, we display our values without really being conscious of it or making it obvious to the other party. The way we use our time, the way we spend our money, the way we relate to others, the way we run our family values are all dependent on what we hold as important or unimportant to us, what is right or wrong and what is negotiable. It is important for every member of the family to know this. Therefore, the parents and the family values for a drug free home, school and society, are to nurture their children in accordance with the established ethics and values.

Healthy childhood development is crucial for a child to become a well-adapted and productive member of our society. Yet, an unacceptably high percentage of Nigerian families are in trouble. Too Many children live in poverty, while many more are out of school. Many reside in broken homes, most mothers work outside their homes, often because of immediate economic needs. Consequently, many children are left at the care of house-helps, or left at home to destitute around without parental care or under the care of their foster parents who abuse alcohol or other drugs, engage in crime that they will end up abusing and neglecting the children as well.

Children whose families fail to provide adequate supervision are more likely to become anti-social, lacking proper role models. These children develop their own norms based largely on their desires. While they are the first victims of the deterioration of family life, the society suffers as well.
Strengthening the ability of families to rear and nurture children must become and remain a national priority for all.

 The influence of the family environment on the child´s social development lasts a lifetime. Accordingly, any effective drug abuse prevention must involve the family and should incorporate teaching of effective family values to children.

 Values are personal and they do differ from culture to culture and from family to family. Families without strong moral values deny their children reasonable opportunities of developing skills and abilities to face challenges of the modern times. People in healthy families are neither ashamed nor afraid to talk of their values. They do not give up on their beliefs because someone out there does not agree. They stick to their values because they know what they stand for and are willing to be counted and quoted for them.

Children from such families are able to move into society and do what is right, not just what everyone else says they should do. The more frank discussions are hold in homes about values, the more such values are to appreciate and respected. The more decision are made on not what is the easiest-fastest or cheapest; but on what is reasonably ought to be done as the best , the more children will develop a higher sense of moral behavior.

 Apart from the moral responsibility to develop values for a drug free home and society as well, parents have an additional responsibility to discuss and clarify such values with their children. In essence, developing an adequate family value requires the active participation of all members. Parents as leaders of the family should as well demonstrate the right value from the beginning; define clearly the ways that their children can shun drugs ,since the home is the safest place for the child to decide firmly against the use and possession of hard drugs, the highest value standards are mostly from the home.

In recent times, the quest for material gains, wealth and all the luxuries that life offers, has rob today’s parents the rear opportunity of training their children to become drug free. This is one of the greatest problems of our present day society.
The home automatically becomes unsafe for a drug free life, if parents have little or no time for the children, Without proper supervision, they can easily get along with all kinds of friends, and if proper cares is not taken they yield to the seemingly irresistible force of peer group pressure alluring them to drug. Such children usually derail from the set family values.

A drug free home is the foundation for a drug free society .Outside the home (schools recreation centers, neighborhood blocks); children are easily exposed to extraneous influences that could lead them into drug abuse. For example, in the school, children have access to friends, funds, time, alcohol etc. Therefore, if the family values are not fully internalized, they are more likely to accept the values of their peers. It is in the home that the moral stamina to ``Say No to Drugs´´ when offered by friends and peers; the stamina to withstand the deceptive media propaganda mounted by the tobacco and alcohol companies; and stamina to make positive contribution to a healthy society.

As you teach your children basic family rules and principles, keep in mind the following principles:

A. Parenthood is a shared responsibility of you and your spouse as a united family. This statement is even truer when it comes to teaching the children about drugs, its symptoms and dangers. Together, both parents should formulate and develop family rules concerning possession and use of drugs and other abusive substances. When both parents agree on the acceptable values as much as possible, then the family and the society will be more stable.
B. Parents should not drive-out their children or put them on the spot; but lead them along, by giving them knowledge on what best to do, as their minds are prepared to receive. Be assured that the behaviors that a child had learned by example during early formative years have powerful influence on his or her behavior for the rest of his or her life.
Parents have the power to influence them through each succeeding stage of their development. Through their efforts, children may modify good or bad examples, but these will depend mostly on the example they observed in their homes- as much as possible, parents should use the power of worthy example and be consistent with such examples.
C. The single biggest deterrent to substance abuse is communication –simply talking with the children about drugs. You may find this impossible unless you have built a foundation of doing things with them; by getting involved in their school work, sports, daily activities etc. in communicating with the children, you should not dominate the talking .you will talk to the children better if you take some time to listen to them more carefully, because they too may have their own ideas about drugs, their community and even you, unless you learn to listen to them you may not discover the power you have to save them. Listening to the child will help you answer his or her questions better in the things he or she sees in the world and in their feelings about drug use and possession.
D. The emotional climate in the home creates either a positive or a negative learning environment. Often times, the most effective teaching moments occurs in loving, peaceful, respectful circumstances, when the feeling is right and when the climate in a relationship is much cordial. Always strive to pass the right-judgment on children and offers correction when and where necessary.

Thank you all for availing me the listening ears and I charge you all to go out there and become part of this change by saying ‘No to Drug Abuse”


Being a paper presented by Aguiyi Henry, at the passing out ceremony and certificates presentation to the outgoing members of the NDLEA/NYSC-CDS Drug Free Club kaltungo, in Kaltungo LGA , July 2014

Good morning ladies and gentlemen, my brothers and sisters, the theme of my topic today is:
The Problems of Drug Abuse, Coping skills and our working framework to achieve a drug free society within kaltungo and its environs.
Is obvious that every person everywhere wants to know more on how drugs abuse affects the entire society and how to cope with its numerous problems.

 On this very note, we are going to briefly discuss on the problems of drug abuse and their effects to our larger societies
Drug problem everywhere is a global menace that is now affecting our entire societies, of which Nigeria is not an exception, this problem cut cross every aspect of our human endeavors and civilization both in the politics, the economy and health areas as well.

The problems cut across every sector of our society and every aspect of our lives and their social, economic and political consequences are too numerous to ignore, for today, it is a common knowledge that most of our national socio-political cum economic problems, are all drug related. From the increase in crime level, daylight armed robberies, cultism in our secondary schools and universities, down to prostitutions and spread of HIV and other STDs, high rate of divorce and delinquent children ,high rate of school dropouts and destitution on our streets are mostly drug-related, loss of jobs and skilled manpower, low productivity and poverty could occur due to drug abuse, political thuggery plus motivated assassinations, arson ,kidnapping and hostages taking and economic sabotage etc. they are often perpetrated under the influence of drugs.

Based on the above details, the international communities through different conventions both acts and numerous treaties has propounded several ways on how best to combat this very problem called drug abuse and trafficking, which led to the then Nigerian military Government headed by General Ibrahim Badamosi Babangida to enact Decree 48 0f 1989 which established the NATIONAL DRUG LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY (NDLEA) charged with the dual responsibility of reducing the supply of and Demand for narcotic drugs and other psychotropic substances with the aim purpose to expunge drugs of abuse out from our entail societies.

1. Supply control measures:
2. Demand Reduction Programmes:
Under the demand Reduction programmes, we develop the various ways one can avoid engaging in drug abuse and its numerous problems, for example the coping skills

1. Arm yourself with information about drugs and drug abuse.
2. be assertive while saying ‘NO’.
3. Change the subject.
4. Suggest alternative activities.
5. Ignore the person.
6. Simply walk away.
7. Be involved in hobbies or positive pastimes.
8. Get involved in religious activities.
9. Avoid situation or places where drugs are used.
10. Avoid people who use drugs
11. Build self-esteem. Know your positive qualities and depend on these when under stress.
12. Be committed to academic/school activities or your work if a worker.
13. Obey rules and regulations in the school, home or work place.
14. When in problem, confide in your parents, teacher, religious leader, or a trusted adult.
15. Use your understanding of drugs to help your peers, and others around you, avoid and resist drugs.
16. Encourage those using drugs to seek help.
17. Report those using or selling drugs to parents, school authorities or law enforcement officials.

The only way we can comfortably achieve the above facts, is through massive enlightenment and campaign, but with our major constraint of manpower in reaching out to every person in these our very environment, with our enlightenment message of saying NO TO DRUGS, we now do find it most befitting's to partner with you, the NYSC -CDS Drug Free Club to develop a more workable strategy that will help NDLEA to reach out to every member of the society through public enlightenment on the dangers of the illicit drug of abuse, to our youths and educating them on its effects to his or her individual self and to our the larger society as a whole.
Our area command in-line with the NDLEA mission Statement which emphasis that NDLEA shall deploy all resources at its disposal for the total eradication of illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, suppression of demand for illicit drugs and other substance of abuse, recovery of ill-gotten wealth acquired from proceeds of illicit drug trade, protection, enhancement and maintenance of the image of Nigerians at home and abroad.
In order to be in-line with the above mission statements and its goals ,the NDLEA kaltungo area Command has of resent time push for an agenda for the total eradication of illicit dealing , usage and abuse on two front of interdictions and drug demand reduction as the job demands ,
NDLEA Kaltungo Area Command comprises four local government areas are here officially partnering with you the NYSC –CDS Drug Free Club to achieve some of these listed objectives, especially on the areas of reducing the overall domestic demand for illicit drugs, providing factual information to all and sundry (especially those in the high risk group) on problems of drug abuse and trafficking and to teach them personal stills needed to avoid drug abuse etc.

For us to achieve some of these objectives ,we the command has develop some certain workable plans as a way forward in making Kaltungo and environ a drug free societies by the year 2015.

Our planning is in two forms

• Strategic planning.
• Operational planning

Our Strategic plans is to achieve zero drug society through massive awareness by the year 2015
While our operational plans for now is to take the fight against illicit drug to all the schools within the four local government areas that made up Kaltungo area command and as well establish Drug Free Clubs within those schools, the effective vehicles to use to achieve this very noble mission with good timing and better efficacy , is to use the NYSC-CDS Drug Free Club as the means to reach to those schools effectively and to serve as communication mechanism between the Agency and the schools, at the same time enable us to achieve our set out objectives.

This operational plans is simply the means we are going to use to meet up with our broad objectives in terms of implementations of our ideal task, which will involves two methodological approach of single-use plan and multiple-standing plan that we intended using to achieve our major task of making all Kaltungo Area Command and environ an illicit drug free zone, and at the same time achieve efficiencies and effectiveness in our working approach.

Here, our single-use plan ,which we intend to use to achieve our major objective is to source for sponsorship for our set out projects which must be dissolved after serving its purpose, while the multiple-standing plan is to develop some standard aiding materials in form of handbooks on illicit drug offences , its effects, coping skill and the consequences of engaging in drugs of abuse, of which the books will be handed over to you, our trained NYSC-CDS Drug Free Club corps members as an aiding instructional tools, that you will be using in impacting and educating the young people on the dangers of illicit drugs.

With these very plans on ground, Our organization and NYSC Drug free club will soon achieve a Drug Free Society here in kaltungo, so am charging every one of you from today, to go out there with all zealousness and preach out this very good message of saying´´ NO to Drug abuse´´ to everyone you get across to, may God bless us all.

 Thank you all.
From the Desk of Aguiyi Henry


A colleague of my, with pain in heart, grief in the  mind, looking worried in all appearances, came and asked me, too kindly explain to him  who is actually a fool friend?

 There and there, while looking at his face wired with the physical expressions of pain and anger, I said to him after a deep thought and clear understanding of the pains of being hurt; and I said to him, nothing hurt a man's ego as terribly as fool friend do.

A fool friend is the sewer of bad news, of slander of character , assassinator and defamatory of the societal moral fiber, a bulldozer, a brown nosier, a  snipers, a backstabber, a controller, nagger, complainer ,exploder, a fathom of calumny jealousy that are all based on unpleasant things, things you will never come to imagine.

A fool friend always know every mean thing that have been said against you, your family, and associates and the party you are afflicted to, he just hate to hear about your success.

He always knows when your party is losing, and the other is making large gains.

He always tells you of the good luck your enemy has over you.

 He absolutely believes every story against you, and kindly suspects your defense

A fool friend is always full of a kind of stupid envy and wicked in the mind.

He is so candid, that he always believes the statement of an enemy even without hearing your own side of the story.

He suspect anything on your side both your progress in your endeavor

Nothing pleases him like being shocked by horrible news concerning you.

He is always finding fault in you and your party of friends, and is continually begging pardon for not belonging to the other side.

He is frightfully anxious that you may stand well against oppositions in open elections, for this he prays that every election should be cancelled.

He is forever seeing the faults in you and merits in others

He always searches every nook and corner of his conscience to find a reason for deserting a friend like you, but in the moment of victory, he is magnanimously on your side.

In defeat he consoles you by repeating prophecies made after the event.

The fool friend regards your reputation as common prey for all the vultures, hyenas and jackals.

He takes a sad pleasure in your misfortunes and easily forgets the principles of gratitude

He forgives your malinger, and slanders you with all his heart,

Sometimes he is so friendly that you cannot suspect or kick him out

He generally talks for you but always bets the other Way

He borrows money from you and avoids paying back.

He is everywhere both in your community, your villager, your office, your family etc.

 Here I bet you, if you finally find one in your company, better just kick him out of your life in time, before he destroy you all, he is just a toxic waste


LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: -- My fellow Nigerians and all lovers of the humanity, the true philanthropists of our time, patrons of the modern age, the dreamers of grand dreams, all free thinkers and productive elements of our time, believers of man´s right to govern himself and his society in peace and harmony, where every human being hopes to be equal before our law, both the pauperisms, the riches, and the wants, would love to exist in harmony, only if our history of the past can be re-write for good.

Yet our inglorious history of the past are all accounted for misery of our today´s by the rapacity of our rulers who makes and interpret our laws for their own personal benefits. Here, in Nigeria, we are all yet to be free, free from the voracity of our bad leadership, our rulers makes different laws for different people with different voices and intentions, one for the rich and the other for the poor. The rich oppresses the poor on daily basis. The labouring men who work every day are yet to feel the impact of our so-called dividend of democracy; we now suffer the mind conflicts of the true meaning of democratic progress with this un-sagacious capitalism of grab it all.

Our vicious cry is now raised that capital in some mysterious way oppresses our industries and our individual mind-sets as well; that the capitalist is now the enemy of the man who labours.
Who is a capitalist, if I may ask? Every man who has good health; every man with good sense; every one who has had his dinner, and has enough left for supper, is to that extent, a capitalist. Every man with a good character, who has the credit to borrow some Naira or to buy a meal, is a capitalist; and nine out of ten of the great capitalists are simply successful workingmen.

In as much, am opinionated socialist democratic essayist, I have nothing against energetic capitalism, but it must be a productive capitalism, free from corruption of which I bet to promote, it will not be all out money grabbing like the banks, insurance industries, churches and corrupt politicking, but for diligent production of quality consumable goods, food and services in a much colossal form.
Because poverty itself is a crime and is the result of idleness, extravagances, and inattention to business, though to these rules there are also thousands of exceptions.
For a more clear example, the man who has wasted his time, who has thrown away his opportunities, is apt to envy the man who has not wasted his own time and efforts, For instance, there are five apprentices working in a furniture shop. One of them attends to his business where you can hear the music of his hammer late and early morning time.
 He was actually in love with some girl on the next street. He has made up his mind to be a successful businessperson first and then make somebody else happy as well; to have a home; and while he is working, in his imagination he can see his own fireside, with the firelight of great imaginations falling upon the face of a wife to be and a child.
The other four men work as little as they can, spend the Saturdays and Sundays in dissipation of the city wine bar with some bottles of beer, have the monday headaches, and as a result, never advance. The industrious one, the one in love, gains the confidence of his employer, and in a little while, he cuts out work from others. The first thing you know he has a shop of his own, the next a store; because he is now a man of reputation, the man of character, the man of known integrity and identity, he can now buy all he wishes upon credit. The next thing you know he is married, he has built his own house, he is happy, and his dream has been realized. After a while, the same other four, having pursued the old course, stand on the corner some Sunday when he rides by. He has a carriage, his wife sits by his side, her face covered with smiles, and now he has two children, their eyes beaming with elation and love. In addition, thereupon, these four adjourn to same neighbouring wine bar and pass a resolution that there is an irrepressible conflict between capital and labor

To me there is no serious conflict; capital and labour are all in the same page of creativity, a journey of one to another where labour creates capital ,all we need is seriousness as people with much concerns for quality control and government altruistic interest in food productions and intellectual sagacity, the very sadness of this world can end only if we can ideally look towards productive capitalism tonic with serious social market control and supervision as the way out against fake, phoney corruptions and fraud etc.

All for the general benefits for those who have and for those who don’t have, with the massive production of food, goods and services, the prices of food, which is the only means of sustaining our world population that is now increasing in geometrical proportions will automatically crash and the chains of unnecessary monopoly and dominations will be broken for once, then the middle class will remerge much stronger to create a balance between the rich and poor.

But if our ruling class choose to continue in their rapacious habits of outrageous grabbing of the national wealth for personal cupidity, with such mental opacity of false privileged order, without re-infusing it back to our system to provide the enabling environment for productive economy, then we all will be inviting a more dangerous revolution of which I hold on as self-evident, cause in such order of the nature ,where the strongest vent her energy and greeds, all out on the only means of subsistence and refuse re-distributions of such wealth to all as time continuous to change, of which the whole universe is in ceaseless change, shifting to correspond with the shifting environment, when this movement that is so rapid eventually comes, that moment when most men cannot adapt themselves to to the changes of nature, we then calls the phenomenon that will follow it a revolution which may be more catastrophic for the ruling class, of which am drawing my inference here from the common law of physics that points that whatever that goes up must come down, people are hungry and agitated ,the common man is becoming dangerously smarter than before ,their shackles of ignorance are losing off every day, the power holding institutions of the elites are shaking ,the national security are now over stretched, even the hard working are crying, the ground are cracking likewise the foundations of modern-day capitalism.

The only way now out for this looming threat is productive economy which is a revolution of its own, back to collective agricultural production and creative economy as the most alternative, no more shilly-shally in dealing with this impending doom, lets the politicians bring back all the money they have stolen and re-invest it back to our economy, let all that have the means move back into massive production of food and products, let create more job for all, lets engage every idle hand with something to work with and earn a better living, so that at end, we will all together build a gargantuan productive economy.

Let us start from somewhere, thank you all and remain blessed.

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Ops room duties

This is a lecture note delivered by Aguiyi Henry on the 13th November 2014, to all“ OFFICERS SECURITY FORUM ” Gombe, on the Ops-Room Duties.
Good morning officers and great men of this security forum,
For the purpose of our interactive discourse this morning, I will be discussing with you the operational room duties.
My name is Aguiyi Henry. Am from south-east of Nigeria and presently serving in the Kaltungo Area .

1. Definition of the OPS room
2. To discuss the functional duties of the Ops-room operatives
3. List of items that can be found in the Ops Room
4. Method of making entries into the station Diary and other Registries found in the Ops room.
5. Other suggestive ideas on how best we can improve in our Ops Room duties.
Before driving you further with my today’s topic, I will like to share a certain insight with you all, for two days now I have being making some serious observations, deeply examining the combatant movement of some soldier-ants passing through my door-way and retiring into a particular hole with all their goods, there and then I decided to block that very hole with a more heavy object and even killed some of the ants, just to divert their movement and actions from their original track. Behold the next morning I still saw the very object being moved out from the hole and all the surviving ants still performing their activities and duties as usual, then I said to myself, here are ordinary ants performing their duties, taking away the barriers and obstacles of time, working and functioning as if nothing happens, still determined to complete their task, with all high sense that none of them is indispensible in their great task ahead. Today this unique actions of the soldier- ants has raise in me a high moral consciousness, to strongly believe that, I and you can do better in overcoming every obstacles of our job through active learning and team-work participations.
‘A roster crows only when it sees the light, put him the dark and he’ll never crow. I have seen the light and I’m crowing’
By Muhammad Ali…
Today we all will see the light and crow forever with the new knowledge; we are going to share here.

Ops-room is a place or arrangement put in place for the monitoring, control, coordinating and processes necessary for the physical security of the organization premises, including the facilities and materials within the premises and at the same provides skeletal administrative and operational services after working hours and during weekend and public holidays.
I want you to underline the keywords Monitoring- means the act of observing something and sometimes keeping record of it
Control- exercise authoritative control or power over something
This can be describing as security measures that are designed to deny unauthorized access to facilities, equipment and resources and protect personnel and property from damage or harm.
It involves the use of multiple layers of interdependent system, which include the uses of CCTV, surveillance security guards, protective barriers, keys and locks, access control, protocols etc.
Here we can say that the functions of the Ops-room are both operational and administration in scope.
Operational aspect: provides support services for the care and custody of suspect and detainees and interviews and interrogations, and in monitoring of suspects interactions with outsides and operatives as well.
While it’s administrative mechanism, served as a coordinating centre of all protective and physical security measures installed to ensure the safety of an organization’s installations and personnel.
The physical security measures are:
1. Determines potential intruders
2. Distinguishes the authorized from unauthorized people (using access card badges)
3. Delay, frustrates and ideally prevent intrusion attempts
4. Detect intrusion and monitor, record all actions necessary.
5. Trigger appropriate incident responses (e.g.) by security guards and police
The major goal of all this deterrence methods is to convince any potential attackers that any successful attack to the office building in question is impossible due to strong defenses and presence of duty officers, and no unauthorized activity can occur without being seen.
The purpose here, is for us to understand that Ops-room is specialized place where all these operations of preventing and protecting all officers and buildings from unauthorized intruder are coordinate, monitored, controlled and processed from, in fact is the very part of counter and interval security measures of the agency.
It is very sensitive and important that its assignments precedence over every other duty.
Note here: that as Ops-room officers or O/Cs, you don’t allow your mind to escape the attention of OPS room details and records, what I mean is that every activity, observations or development must be recorded in the relevant diary or register.
Why am emphasis on this, is that is more proper to have a detailed logging of events, development and activities, of which could likely turn out as the only defense the OPS-room officers would have for or against any act of commission or omission.
Such duties also play deferent role as they could raise that something amiss happing security wise.
So if you find yourself as the (DO) or higher supervising officers go through the diaries at least ones or twice a day.

Discussing the duties of the OPS room operatives
OPS room by traditions is under the control supervision of the administration department, it operates 24hours and its operations are on shift patterns.
The team maximum number should be 12member per shift
The functional duties of this team comes directly under the supervision and control of the departmental security officers (DSO) but at other times which is not working hours, the duties of the Ops-room personnel’s will be controlled and supervised directly by the duty officers (D0) who is equally the team leaders or O/C team whom sometime appoints a desk officer that his/ her job should be of making officials entries into the station Diary or other registers as directed
Such entries should be:
(1) Reporting for or off duty of personnel including official operations and assignments
(2) Handing and taking over by Ops-room operations and movement of key personnel in and out of the office premises.
(3) Removal of official vehicles and other moveable properties from the promises etc.
While other duties are the screening and monitoring of visitors to the organization, careful custody of suspects and detainees, monitoring the CCTV of items found in the Ops-rooms.

List of items found in the OPS rooms
(a) Station Diary and registers: for logging information and maintaining record of events and development as it happen within the office premises.
(b) Telephones: for receiving messages and making contacts with the relevant officers
(c) Fax machine: for the same purpose
(d) Pens and pencils of various colors: for writing and making entries
(e) Closet of drawers and lockers: for storing valuables
(f) Battens handcuffs/leg chains: for handling difficult suspects.
(g) Wall clock: for keeping time
(h) First Aid kits: for emergency accidents
(i) Fire extinguishers: for emergency fire out break
(j) Standing vehicle
(k) Fire arms and ammunitions: for the office patrol
(l) Writing desks and chairs: for the duty officers and visitors
(a) Local, state and national maps, including street and route maps sketches
Entries into the station Diary and Register that are stationed in the Ops-room are normally done by the O/Cs or whoever he authorizes do so on his/ her behalf.
But for easy and fast documenting and entries, the O/C appoint a desk officer, authorized by him to do all the entries or logging into the office registers,
Things necessary to be documented are:-
(i) Reporting for and off duty by personnel by including operations.
(ii) Handing and taking over by OPS room operations.
(iii) Movement of way personnel in and out of the premises especially of tor working hours was trends and public holidays.
(iv) Removal of official vehicle
(v) removal and returning of ways to the offices
(vi) removal of any moveable properties from the premises
(vii) Removal of any OPS room accoutrement (e.g.) Firearms, Maps, Torchlight of Lamp, Hand cuff etc.
(viii) reporting of visiting round officer
(ix) Report of patrol under taken by the duty officer (DO)
(x) All inspection visits to the cell.
(xi) All relevant incidents reports and complaints by members of the public and member
(xii) Feeding hospitalization and released of suspects and detainers
(xiii) Detention orders recorded and particulars of the suspects in respect etc.
Others functions done collectively by OPS room personnel are
(a) Monitoring and coordination of the activities of the guard force
(b) Monitoring the close circuit Television CCTV and other electronic gadgets installed at strategic location
(c) Careful custody of suspects and detainees needs
(d) Coordinating and monitoring of visitors to the organization
(e) Ensuring that all electrical appliance are switched-off after office hour
(f) Ensure that all offices are locked and keys deposited at the key-rack after working hours
(g) Checking and determining the functional states of all firefighting equipment, other items and security lighting etc.

Objective 4
Method of making entries into the station Diary registry
Each page of the station diary or register is divided into three or four columns, in the first columns form the left hand side, you entered the several numbers, which ran continuously from the first day of each month to the last day of the same month.
The second column contain the time of making the entries, the timing runs continuously from the commencement of the day at immediately after midnight to the last munities of the outgoing day, it is always entered in military fashion (e.g.) 0001hours, to represent one minute after 12oclack etc.
The third column, which is the reference or cross- reference column is optional, in it is entered the several members of entries made previously in respect of the subject matter in question, where cross of the reference column is found to be unnecessary and cumbersome, no details occupy this column thus making a fourth column unnecessary.
In the last or Details column is entered the information of significance, it starts with a subject, a vide entry or cross reference entry serial number if any, the complete or full details of the information the full names and identification number or code of the writer and his/her signature. File subject matter is always underlined with black ink while ink of construct color is used to record the full information
The duty officers, visiting round officers and DSOs personally make entries in respect of the duties and observation made personally by them
Dating is made horizontally after leaving or making a spacing of one line from the last entry of the previous day (No line is jumped) cancellations and mutilations must be bracketed and the correct word written neatly above it important message must be understand in red into diary.
05 1400hours INCIDENT REPORT ;

Objective 5
Other suggestive ideas on how best we can improve in our Ops-Room duties.
Profound solutions to the Ops-rooms pitfall of our Ops-room operatives
1. From my own opinions, I stand to advice that officers while posted to Ops-room should take their duties more serious with maximum psychological alertness and concentration on their duties in the Ops- room.
2. Then when off duty, operative should subject themselves to full physical relaxation to enable them attain the maximum alertness and concentration required for affective Ops- room performance when next they report for duty.
3. Such beat being a serious front of every security agency, call for discipline behavior from the operatives, it altar be handled in professional manners, all techniques observation so that no event or situation of security significance is handled with care.
Other things which I will love the management to address for us as far as ops-room is concerned
a. To provide a complete first-aid box and training of officers in that field with knowledge of what to do in terms of crisis or emergency situations.
b. Provide daily order file and entry registers like arms and suspects movement registry to the Ops-room
c. Familiarized the officers with different ways of drafting reports especially on the incidents reporting, in case the need arises at any situations.
d. Providing the ops-room with Hot-line of the police ,fire services and other relevant emergency organizations which be necessary to contact during emergencies situations like uncontrollable fire out break
e. Providing us with trainings on knowledge on stress management

We said that Ops-room is a place or arrangement put in place for the monitoring control and processes necessary for physical security of the organization premises, of which we described physical security as a security measures that are designed to prevent any unauthorized access to facilities, equipment and resources and to protect personnel and property from damage or harm.
And for the purpose of these discussions, we viewed Ops-room as to be the specialized place where all these operations of preventing, protecting of offices and personnel’s from unauthorized intruders are coordinated from.
Then we further discussed on the functional duties of the Ops-room operatives and items that are easily found in the ops-room.
Finally some suggestions were made on how officers can improve in ops-room duties and also more emphasis were point on the needs training of officers on crisis ,incident and emergency handling incase of such occurs while discharging their normal ops-room duties.


In our next discussions, we will be talking in details on how Ops-room incidents and emergencies can be best handled in diligent manners if the needs arises.
Thank you officers.



Poetic expressions rattled with stylistic devices and interpretations,
With all panoramas of drawing support for our soldiers in
War against terror
By Aguiyi Henry

History once again lures to repeat itself,
Our pasts swelling before us,
As it were, like the old hellos nightmares,
Repeatedly, we are all at War again,
War against our motherland.
In the north, we hear the sounds of war preparation –
Watching Boko Haram killing hundreds of our helpless citizens.
In the south, we hear the sound of guns –
The MENDs freedom fighters rolling out from the creeks.
MASSOB and IPOB assembling all over the world busy hanging the flag of Biafra.
The OPC invoking the fighting spirit of Oduduwa.
PDP knifing each other in the name of politics.
APC scrooge throwing stones from our nation's glasshouse-
With every obligation that this house must fall apart.

 The music of war drums everywhere –
We see thousands of militants assembling.
We see the pale cheek of our women crying with tears,
All in pains and great fears of panics.
Our old patriots are now craving for peace in the name of political dialogue.
Still in those assemblages of troublemakers, we see no accord,

 Yet we see hundreds of deaths everywhere and every day.
The north wants more blood while the east crave for freedom.
 More bombs in our rocky capital, kidnapping, and murder--
In the forest of Iba for satanic rituals.
In addition with those brought down by our heroic gallant soldiers,
In the savannah, the once conquered territory of the renegades---
We see thousands of death every now, that we have lost sight of counting.
Truly, we are all here when our today noble soldiers were enlisted in the army.
We all saw them part from their loved ones to defend our great nation
We once hear their whisperings and the sweet vows of their eternal love for our nation.
In sweat and blood, love and tears, with every might they will fight
Moreover, defend the territorial integrity of our great nation.
Yet in the savannah, the war is yet to be over, fear everywhere
Women are kissing their babes that are asleep--
Not knowing if they may live till tomorrow
While young men are receiving the blessings of old men.
Some are parting with mothers who hold them
And press them to their hearts with prays to survive the time.
Repeatedly, the rocky Duke and duchess says nothing and sees nothing,
Kisses and tears, tears and kisses of death –

Divine mingling of agony, in fear and in love! Our young men are dying
Hear us as we are speaking with voices endeavoring with brave heart,
Spoken in those great old tones
that drives from the hearts of the awful fears of death
With deep expressions of uncertainties--
Saying in exclamations,” we cannot tell if we may live until the next day”!
We now see our children part finally-
We see our women of the savannahs standing,
Standing with babes in their arms –
Standing in the sunlight sobbing.
Holding high in her loving arms, her child.
Here and there, her man and other children are gone,
We see soldiers keeping time to the ground,
With wild music of war –
Mad world! Mad kings! Mad compositions-
All marching down the streets of the savannahs –
Through the towns and across the prairies –
Down to the fields of glorious battle
To kill and to die for the eternal right of all.

I once feel like going to field with our soldiers to save our great nation,
For the last time.
We must be by their side on this war against terror or perish like fools
Even in the hospitals of pains --.
We must stand guard with our soldiers in the wildest storm
And under the quiet stars of heavens.
We stand with them in this ravines running with blood of men –
In the furrows of our old fields.
We must stand with them in contending the terrorists,
A move to stop them from their wild thirst for blood,
Even when life ebbing slowly away among the withered leaves of lives.
We must stand with them even when pierced and torn by fireballs of war.
In their trenches, in their garrison and citadel, and in the whirlwind of charge
Where men become iron, with nerves of steel.
We must stand with our soldiers in the prisons of hatred by the terrorists;
We must stand with them.
Nevertheless, human speech can never tell what our soldiers have endured
We are at home watching televisions when news comes that our soldiers are ambushed to death by the terrorists.
We see their young maidens, damsels and families in their own shadows of sorrow.
We see the silvered head of our soldiers bowed with the last grief finally to the mother earth.
Our past now rises before us, oh, we have passed this root before, yet we are watching it happening again and again

 We saw four millions of human slayed by the lash of death in the past, yet we are allowing it to happen repeatedly –
People from mangrove forest saw it all, their men bound hands and foot to death -- their hound’s women tracked through tangled swamps for survival, their babes taken from the breasts of their mothers and slaughtered by kwashiorkor. Cruelty unspeakable! Outrage infinite yet we are watching it happening again in the name of faith!
All the sacred relations of wife, mother, father and child are now trampled beneath the brutal feet of might and crudity of the extremists. ,
All this are done under our own beautiful banner of the free world and democracy.
Our pasts now rise before us. We are hearing the roar and shriek of the bursting shell. The sound of fetters bonds here and there. We look on as our men, women, and children dies. We see homes, security post, schoolhouses, and books on fire.
Our land may run red with blood of wars – but in the midst of all battles, in the roar of conflicts, the solutions to our problems will always be laid on the round table of justices and mutual reasoning, not by the serenity of war and death, fear and hatred!

I have one sentiment for all fighters living and dead: cheers for the living; tears for the dead; fluke for the Nation